Online training


Each course delivered online will require the same amount of contact time as face-to-face classroom-based training. There are two options for achieving this contact time when training online.


The online workshop is scheduled in the same manner as classroom-based training. For example, a 2-day course would be scheduled over 2 consecutive full days, running from approximately 8h30 – 16h30 each day. Each day is structured across four 90-minute modules as follows:

Session 1: 08h30 – 10h00

Session 2: 10h30 – 12h00

Session 3: 13h00 – 14h30

Session 4: 15h00 – 16h30


The online workshop is broken down into a series of shorter sessions, all of which ultimately add up to the original contact time required to complete the workshop. For example, a classroom-based training day would normally involve approximately 6 hours of actual contact (learning) time, after deducting the time taken for tea, lunch and comfort breaks. This means that a typical 2-day course requires approximately 12 hours of actual learning time. The online course is therefore scheduled over a series of sessions of, for example, 1.5, 2 or 3 hours each, totalling the required hours.


Our preferred platforms for online training delivery are Zoom Pro and MS Teams. Both are user friendly for participants and both offer the necessary functionality for highly participative learning and active skills development.

We work with the client’s preferred online platform to deliver training. The core requirement is that each participant has access to steady broadband connectivity and a laptop/PC/iPad (or even phone) with a camera.


Online training includes extensive participant interaction and the same highly participative learning methodology normally employed by Conflict Dynamics in the physical training room, but obviously with the participants and facilitator each individually being in separate locations.

We make extensive use of breakout rooms for small group work and role-playing, as well as polls for real-time feedback, etc.


We recommend a minimum number of approximately 8 participants and a maximum of approximately 18 participants per online skills workshops. These numbers are recommended to ensure that effective learning takes place through ongoing active participation throughout the course by all participants. Webinars and presentation style events can accommodate larger participants.


To discuss your training needs, please reach out to your usual contact at Conflict Dynamics or send us an email via our Contact page.