Conflict Management

"I need to listen well so that I can hear what is not said.” Thuli Madonsela

Whether you find having courageous conversations difficult or you find conflict challenging to manage, Conflict Dynamics will work with you to design a suitable skills development programme to empower your people.

Contact us to discuss your needs for skills development.

Conflict Management Skills for Interpersonal Workplace Conflict

This course will help you understand how interpersonal conflict develops in the workplace and teach you skills and processes to manage this conflict and prevent or resolve disputes in an effective manner. 

Unconscious Bias Awareness Raising Workshop

There are some 188 biases out there. We all have biases, some are conscious but most are unconscious. Biases influence our relationships and our decision-making in a multitude of ways. 

Managing Difficult Conversations in the Workplace

This course will give you an understanding of what is going on in conversation and will equip you to manage the unexpected as well as the scheduled conversation. 

Psychological Safety and Respectful Communication

Psychological safety describes an environment where people believe they will not suffer negative repercussions for contributing ideas, asking questions, raising concerns, or coming forward with their mistakes. Is your workplace psychologically safe?

Workplace Harassment (the new Code of Good Practice)

There is an increasing need to raise awareness amongst employers, employees and external service providers about the scourge of harassment in the workplace.

Conflict Management Skills for Schools and Universities

Conflict Dynamics has extensive experience training conflict management skills in schools and universities. Educational institutions have unique challenges in relation to conflict. The relationships between educators, learners, parents, administrative staff and representative bodies can be complex and fraught with a myriad of tensions, including diversity and inclusion related issues. 

Conflict Management Skills for Teams and Groups in the Workplace

This course will help you understand how team and group conflict develops in the workplace and teach you skills and processes to manage this conflict and prevent or resolve disputes in an effective manner.