Introduction to Labour Law

Why Attend?

This course will provide you with a basic understanding of the purpose and key provisions of three of South Africa’s main employment-related statutes – The Labour Relations Act, The Basic Conditions of Employment Act, and the Employment Equity Act. The course can also be conducted in a modularized format, to meet clients' needs.

Main Topics

  1. The purpose of labour legislation
  2. Labour Relations Act
    • Freedom of association
    • Trade Unions and organisational rights
    • Collective agreements
    • Industrial action
    • Dispute resolution processes and bodies
    • Non-standard employment
    • Workplace discipline and dismissal (Code of Good Practice: Dismissal)
  3. Basic Conditions of Employment Act
    • Core provisions of the BCEA, e.g. working time, leave, particulars of employment and remuneration, termination
    • The BCEA and collective agreements
  4. Employment Equity Act
    • Discrimination
    • Affirmative action 
