Mediation Skills

"If you want peace, you don't talk to your friends you talk to your enemies." Desmond Tutu

Conflict Dynamics has been the leading mediator skills training organisation in South Africa since 1996 when it designed the training materials for the first cohort of CCMA Commissioners. In 2007 it started training commercial mediators in collaboration with the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) in the UK.

Conflict Dynamics also trains employment and workplace mediators. Contact us to discuss your needs for mediation skills training.

Commercial and Court-Referred Mediator Skills - INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED

The Commercial Mediator Training offered by Conflict Dynamics will equip you to mediate conflicts and disputes in many different settings, including in the Magistrates Courts and the High Courts. 

Certificate in Workplace Mediator Skills

This three-day course is designed to equip you with the skills to mediate conflicts between employees in the workplace. It is well known that if conflicts between people in the workplace are managed close to the point of origin there is less chance that they will go on to manifest as grievances and disputes, which are often time-consuming and expensive. Mediation is a particularly effective process for managing such conflicts. 

Understanding the RAF Administrative and Legal Context to ensure Effective Mediation

Mediation of Road Accident Fund claims is currently being piloted and there is great excitement about the prospects of implementing mediation as a dispute resolution protocol within the RAF compensation system. The criteria for participation in pilot programmes is that mediators are trained and accredited, which places Conflict Dynamics mediators at an advantage. The field of RAF compensation is, however, a specialised one and in order for mediators to add maximum value, it is essential that you understand the RAF legal and administrative context. Mediators will need to understand the claim process, the heads of damages claimable, and the manner in which these damages are quantified in order to settle matters. 

Workplace Mediator Skills for Accredited Mediators

Workplace mediation is suitable at an early stage in a conflict between people who work together and where there is still potential for a future working relationship. 

Mediation Advocacy - what lawyers need to know about mediation

Lawyers are generally the 'gatekeepers' of civil and commercial mediation. Their clients rely on them for advice on the range of dispute resolution options available to them, so lawyers need to have the answers at their fingertips. As a lawyer learn how to advise your client about mediation and represent them effectively in the process, particularly when it comes to Rule 41A matters.