The Basic Conditions of Employment Act

Course feedback

  • "

    Really very informative. Learnt much more than I knew before with regards to procedures and the law.


    Rajesh Manilall
  • "

    The course was very eye opening and informative. It helped us with a clearer understanding of our rights.


    Nthabiseng Charity Moema

Why Attend?

Develop an understanding of the purpose and contents of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. This course is conducted over one day or in a modularized format, to meet clients' needs.

Main Topics

  1. Purpose of the BCEA
  2. Regulation of working time
    • Ordinary hours of work
    • Overtime
    • Compressed workweek and averaging of hours
    • Meal intervals
    • Daily and weekly rest periods
    • Sunday, night and public holiday work
  3. Leave
    • Annual
    • Sick
    • Maternity
    • Family responsibility
  4. Particulars of employment, remuneration and termination
  5. Practical implications of the BCEA for the organisation
