The current strength of the labour movement in South Africa, and what this means for the future of the labour movement.
16 March 2017
John Brand, Andrew Levy and Sarah Levy
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Finding a balance between the over-emphasis of centeralized bargaining and the importance of workplace industrial relations.
16 March 2017
John Brand, Andrew Levy and Sarah Levy
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John Brand looks at the current state of labour relations.
16 March 2017
Authors: John Brand, Andrew Levy and Sarah Levy.
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Andrew Levy addresses the importance of productivity and productivity bargainig
16 March 2017
Authors: John Brand, Andrew Levy and Sarah Levy.
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Andrew Levy comments on the importance of communication and re-establishing the "A" relationship.
16 March 2017
Authors: John Brand, Andrew Levy and Sarah Levy.
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John Brand on the issues that bedevil wage negotiations.
16 March 2017
Given his extensive involvement as a mediator, John Brand was asked what he regards as the key issues that bedevil wage negotiations.
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John Brand and Andrew Levy introduce the idea and importance of productivity bargaining.
16 March 2017
Authors: John Brand, Andrew Levy and Sarah Levy.
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John Brand comments on a key benefit of Levy Africa Network's economic literacy training.
16 March 2017
Authors: John Brand, Andrew Levy and Sarah Levy.
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Andrew Levy comments on the importance of a holistic approach to education and literacy.
16 March 2017
Authors: John Brand, Andrew Levy and Sarah Levy.
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2 or 3 main areas where they believe management should focus their attention and budget.
16 March 2017
John Brand, Andrew Levy and Sarah Levy
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John Brand comments on management's reactive approach to training, and talks about the need to be more proactive.
16 March 2016
Authors: John Brand, Andrew Levy and Sarah Levy.
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